qualitative analysis workshop with international NGO team developing a theory of change from in-depth interview dataon-site in Gisenyi, rwanda

qualitative analysis workshop with international NGO team developing a theory of change from in-depth interview data

on-site in Gisenyi, rwanda

Excellent training makes for excellent research.

We excel in the development & facilitation of highly-interactive, efficient & effective training of research assistants. Theoretical & practical approaches to quantitative, qualitative & mixed-methods data collection prepare your teams for ethical & effective interactions with research populations.

Unique group workshops for data analysis & reporting involve your local research teams in data synthesis & dissemination, equipping them with valuable skills for future projects.

A sampling of available training services:

  • Quantitative data collection training
  • Electronic data collection
  • Theoretical & practical qualitative data collection
  • Effective interview & focus group discussion facilitation
  • Qualitative data analysis, synthesis & reporting workshops